De overtocht was snel (22 uur) voor 171 Nm, of 14,4km/uur. Het was wel nogal woelig omdat we de hele weg scherp aan de wind vaarden (60° AWA) met golven van 2 à 3 meter (golven zien er altijd klein uit op video). We waren dan ook blij dat we konden ankeren in Anatheum baai en gaan slapen. Tijdens de nacht doen we elk shifts van 3 uur en het duurt een paar dagen voor je in dat ritme komt.
Flash back to April 2018 when we arrived back on the boat after visiting Australia, Vietnam and Myanmar. It felt good coming home to Sanuk.
It took us about 2 weeks to get Sanuk ready to go back in the water and off we were for our last cruising season in the Pacific. We checked out of Noumea, got tax free diesel and sailed towards the Isle of Pines.
From Gadji Bay we decided to continue sailing along the East Coast from Grande Terre until it was time to cross to Vanuatu. We took almost 3 weeks to sail up and come back and we hardly saw another boat. The weather was not perfect, rainy days but warm but the nature was beautiful and we managed to do some nice hikes.