Hier is nog een video van ons drie daags verblijf in de lagoon van Ouvea. We waren de gehele tijd gans alleen.
Je vraagt je misschien af wat al die donkere plekken in het blauwe water zijn. Welnu, dat zijn koraalhoofden, tete de corail in het Frans of coralheads aka bommies in het Engels.
En wanneer je ankert in water met een heen en weer beweging, zoals eb en vloed in een nauw kanaal, dan draait de boot en zijn anker zich mee met de stroming. Soms kan het zijn dat je ketting dan rond een koraalhoofd vast komt te zitten, zoals hier het geval was:
Gelukkig was het water zeer ondiep, 2 meter, en konden we zien vanop de boot hoe we moesten varen om de knoop te ontwarren.
Today November 25th, 2017. Sanuk is on the hard in Noumea, we are getting her ready for her yearly “cyclone sleep”. In the mean time we are staying in a nice hotel not far from the boat yard. We are almost done :-), the sails are down, a lot of little repairs are done or will be done while we are away, the cabinets and bilges are cleaned and the walls are wiped down with bleach and vinegar to prevent mold.We will leave on monday for Australia where we will travel for 2months with a campervan . End of January we will go to Vietnam and maybe end of February to Myanmar…
We have free internet in the hotel so time to update our blog.
After 4 days of sailing (from Fiji) we arrived safe and sound in Noumea (New Caledonia). We did have a scare when about 2hrs before arriving our Autopilot gave up on us. Luckily we were almost there . We both were sooo happy it did not happen in the middle of our crossing. Luckily we found a mechanic(in Noumea) who found the problem in 30min. The next morning it was fixed with a new part. We stayed in the marina of Port Moselle to await our visitors, Hannah and Wence.
New Caledonia consists of the main island :Grande Terre, the loyalty islands : Maré, Lifou and Ouvéa, the Isle of Pines, the Chesterfield islands and Belep. We sailed from Noumea, towards Isle of Pines then on to Maré, a stop in Tiga and to Lifou where Hannah and Wence took the plane back to Noumea and on to Belgium. We (the captain and I) continued sailing to Ouvéa, Yaté (Grande Terre), Bay of Prony, Ile Amedee and back to Noumea. Unlike many of the other islands we visited in the South Pacific, Grande Terre is NOT a vulcanic island but was a part of the supercontinent Gondwanaland. It is speculated that Grande Terre separated from Australia 66million years ago. The Loyalty islands and the Isle of Pines are vulcanic.