Categorie archieven: ilse

Cartagena de Indias, December in Colombia

Just before we left for Belgium, on the 26th of December, we spent 4 days in Cartagena de Indias.

December 19th, we left at 12.30PM by bus to get to Cartagena at 5 PM just before dark. I had made reservations in a hotel just outside the old city walls, in  the Getsemani district. A 10 minute walk to the historic centre. Getsemani is the up-and coming neighbourhood of Cartagena. Before, this was a barrio known for drugs and prostitution.

Plaza de la Santisima Trinidad at Getsemani with Christmas decorations.
same Plaza de la Santisima Trinidad during the day.
plenty of nice graffiti on the walls at Getsemani.
more graffiti….

During our visit we wandered through the streets of the historic centre and visited the Gold museum.

Pre Columbian gold earrings with filigree at the museo del oro in Cartagena.
Pre Columbian gold earrings with filigree at the museo del oro in Cartagena.
Pre Columbian urn at the Gold museum in Cartagena.
Wandering through the streets of Cartagena.
…more colorful houses…
View of one of the streets from atop the old city wall.


Stefan got a columbian hat at one of the many street vendors at the Plaza de Bolivar. (Bargained down from 20000 to 10000 COP, i.e. 3$)
Ilse with a statue from Botero (famous Columbian artist) at plaza Santo Domingo in Cartagena. Stefan could not keep his hands to himself.
We also visited Castillo San Felipe de Barajas just outside the walled city.
A huge Columbian flag on the walls of the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas. In the background the chique quarter by the sea, Bocagrande.
At night, with 25 degrees Celsius, we were reminded that Christmas was coming…
Ilse in front of la puerta de reloj, the main entrance of the walled city.
Bocagrande, apartment buildings, time-sharing and hotels.
Street with Christmas decorations in Getsemani.
Time to drink a cocktail in one of the Getsemani streets on our way to the walled city for dinner.

We left Cartagena on the 23rd of December happy to have visited  the oldest city founded by the Spanish in South America and part of UNESCO world heritage.

26 december 2015 Interruption / Onderbreking

Beste lezers,

vanwege de snel verslechterende gezondheidstoestand van mijn vader gaan Ilse en ik een onderbreking inlassen. We vliegen terug naar België op 26 december voor een paar weken. De boot blijft bij tante Marta op onze terugkeer wachten.

Dear readers,

because of the rapidly detoriating health of my father, Ilse and I are interrupting our trip. We are going back to Belgium on december 26th for a couple of weeks. The boat is patiently awaiting our return in the marina of Santa Martha.